Friday, April 19, 2013

Mirror mirror, is this me or only her?

  Imagine that you're waking up one morning and suddenly you see your reflection in the mirror. Instantly you see yourself reflected and try to arrange the mess that you had that night. As you continue to check yourself you notice that your "other" is doing what you do; she blinks, smiles and even laughs if you do. You wonder what if this "other" was with me in real life? Would it be cool or just awkward?  I have this problem because this "other" is my twin and I have to see my reflection everyday while I'm wandering around (don't worry is not as weird as you would think).

  While going through my childhood I was always confused with my twin sister and also the teachers didn't knew whom to penalize. Sometimes I would get in trouble without doing anything or simply by being in the wrong place at the right time. My sister is not so innocent as she seems, she would do the jokes and then I would've to pay for her. This was happening during all of my childhood until I was in high school (but that's another story).

   I had to deal and have patience because it's not easy being confused all of the time with another person. It's not easy try to get your friends and all of the people you know to difference you. But it had some pros, not all of the people can be born a twin and also an identical one. It was fun when we came together and did jokes to the family members without their knowledge.  Katerina and I have different moles in our faces and  that's what my family used to difference us. In a Christmas party we put makeup on and changed our moles so that I looked like her. What's really funny is that most of our family got fooled by this joke and even told us things that they wouldn't have otherwise. In high school we would change our t shirts so people would thing that I was her and so on.

   What this characteristic has showed me is that it doesn't matter if things seem bad, good things can always come out of it. This is an internal journey that will always be in my life because I can't change the fact that I'm a twin. I have had great experiences my being able to be like so few people can and have gotten in trouble and out of it thanks to this.  It's fun to be able to just change my day or the other because of having the same face as other person.

   Some mistakes that I want to clear. We do not have a special connection. We do not share the same thoughts. If she's hurt I don't feel it. I have no special powers and neither does she. We are simply two sisters that have the same blood and face. It's like you with your brother, only that we were born on the same day. Please if you see any twins walking around dont do this questions that I'm sure they're tired of answering the same one all over again. Thanks!


  1. Hahaha awesome, I really liked this. Very creative! a joyful read. Wait who am I writing this to? You or your twin? =D

  2. Growing up I desperately wanted to have a twin after watching The Parent Trap!! I have two younger sisters that nothing like me so I wanted to create an imaginary twin that I could switch places with me and get into trouble! I never got my wish to have a twin, but I would still have the same fun with my sisters nonetheless
