Monday, April 22, 2013

Daisy Miller

     As I started to know about Daisy Miller I really had interest in reading it. I was really fascinated because of the fact that it was a really old novel about social classes. I love all of the novels and topics that involve old  times and conflicts about classes, and Daisy Miller filled exactly that description.

    Daisy Miller is a novel written by Henry James in 1878 and it relates the story of the american by the same  name. When her father becomes rich, he wants to incorporate Daisy to the society by showing her new manners and the way they work. When she is introduced to Frederick Waterborne by her brother, they both start to have interest in each other.  Although the aunt of Frederick disapproves of Daisy, he still tries to pursue her. When they are separated because of a travel of him, both of them agree to meet later in Rome.

   When they meet by chance in Rome, Daisy has more values than before and is rumored to be going out with an Italian named Giovanelli. He's not accepted as acceptable because he's from an inferior class. After Winterbourne hears of this "romance" he tries to pursue Daisy of leaving him but she refuses. After all of this,the tension keeps going on. Daisy one night is with Giovanelli at the Colosseum and Frederick sees them. He immediately starts to questions what is he doing in a place that can cause her the Roman Fever. She tells him that she doesn't care and he leaves without further ado. After a few days Daisy falls really ill with the fever and this causes her death.

   This novel was really well written and had quite a few intense topics. Daisy is the representation of how the society tries to break persons apart based on their social status or personalities. The novel had a lot of judgement based on appearance or what the people thought, without it being the reality. This is what caused that the love of Winterbourne and Daisy could not happen, because of the social differences and the misunderstandings that the people had of Daisy. I believe that she was really misunderstood by the others and if she was part of the present, all of her actions would be considered normal . I really think that she was in the wrong time of the world, she should have been born in the 21 century because then she would've fit perfectly.

   The novel was really exceptional and I think that if any of my friends read it they will fall in love as I did with Giovanelli. I really hated all of the judgement that the people had based only on appearances  I think that I would have been really misunderstood in those times if I was there, or I wouldn't care at all what others thought.  I felt as if this was the love of Romeo and Juliet but with a more tragic love story because the love is never consummated (they don't get married).

UPRRP...the creator of my dreams, my new home!


    When I was accepted to the IUPI I thought: "Great, now who's going to pick me as a prepa?" I had heard some stories about what they did to the incoming freshman and that was my biggest fear. Not only that but also the fact that I was starting a new face of my life; I was going to be free of all the pressure and the constant command of adults.

    I was so happy to be accepted in the University that both of my parents went to and also to the fact that I could do whatever that I liked. There would not be any pressure as if I had to do this or that or simply study, I could do it at my own pace. My major worry was that I could become really vague and don't do anything because of so much freedom.

   As I started to attend the classes and I noticed that the material wasn't anything easy, that's when I got really serious. I studied well and did all of the things I could with time. In this new experience I got to meet so many new friends and people that were willing to let me into their lifestyle that I was really overwhelmed. This people treated me as someone special and also helped me with this new discovery. They helped me to grow as a person and as a student.

   I have so many anecdotes that just writing about it will not be enough. I went to the "Justas" with people that I knew just last semester and it was a wonderful experience. I got to know one of my new best friends here in the University and I also got the wonderful sensation of having my first car while attending college. Some new discoveries and great experiences where while trying to get used to the idea of having a new area of study and the responsibilities it brought.

    I have to say that in the short first year that I have in the university I have many stories that could serve for a movie. I discovered new hobbies and also how to enjoy the best and bring the positive of the bad experiences. Many of my internal and external journeys are due to the fact that I attended this college. I can say that I do not regret the decision of leaving for the United States and staying here. Who would have thought that?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The end or not?

 When I heard the name of the class "Journey in Literature" I thought that it was going to be another boring class. The class didn't start on the right foot to say so, we had other professor and then it was changed. The classrooms were changed and even some of my friends had to leave the class because of the itinerary  All of these made me think and doubt if I was in the right track. But it turns out that I was wrong.

   When the teacher arrived my first thought was: "Okay, she seems nice." But then she came with all of those  books and I said "There we go, everything can change!". As she started to describe the course then I fell in love with the class and everything. When she said that we had to write a journal I thought that it will help me to develop my writing skills. When she mentioned the movies we had to see I felt better because they weren't so old like other professors and I had seem some that were actually great. The books were what made me doubt because some were pretty fun but others not so much.

    When I saw my classmates I was actually pretty relax. Armando and Siule were friends of my sister that I had met previously and it was a relief when I saw them. When we were paired in different groups that was what made me really excited. I got to know wonderful people that were really great speaking and working together. When we did the oral presentations it helped me to lose my fear of speaking in front of everybody and simply say what I had to say without any problems.

   What was really unique and still is in my mind are the different journeys that the people explored or when trough.  When the professor expressed all of her experienced in the army and with her mom, my only comment was: "I want to know more!". When Beatriz told her experience on going through all of Europe I decided that I want to do that. When all of my classmates told all of their journeys it really helped me to open my mind and think of what I want to do with my life.

   The class has been a journey itself. I had met wonderful people and experienced some journeys just by simply hearing the others. It has helped me to grow as a person and it turns out to be one of the best classes I've taken during my college experience. It's really is a Journey in Literature becuase we learned while reading books and seeing movies.  I'm starting to regret that it's going to end so soon! But as the name of our group says : Bon Vogage! Arrivederchi! Adios! Goodbye!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Mirror mirror, is this me or only her?

  Imagine that you're waking up one morning and suddenly you see your reflection in the mirror. Instantly you see yourself reflected and try to arrange the mess that you had that night. As you continue to check yourself you notice that your "other" is doing what you do; she blinks, smiles and even laughs if you do. You wonder what if this "other" was with me in real life? Would it be cool or just awkward?  I have this problem because this "other" is my twin and I have to see my reflection everyday while I'm wandering around (don't worry is not as weird as you would think).

  While going through my childhood I was always confused with my twin sister and also the teachers didn't knew whom to penalize. Sometimes I would get in trouble without doing anything or simply by being in the wrong place at the right time. My sister is not so innocent as she seems, she would do the jokes and then I would've to pay for her. This was happening during all of my childhood until I was in high school (but that's another story).

   I had to deal and have patience because it's not easy being confused all of the time with another person. It's not easy try to get your friends and all of the people you know to difference you. But it had some pros, not all of the people can be born a twin and also an identical one. It was fun when we came together and did jokes to the family members without their knowledge.  Katerina and I have different moles in our faces and  that's what my family used to difference us. In a Christmas party we put makeup on and changed our moles so that I looked like her. What's really funny is that most of our family got fooled by this joke and even told us things that they wouldn't have otherwise. In high school we would change our t shirts so people would thing that I was her and so on.

   What this characteristic has showed me is that it doesn't matter if things seem bad, good things can always come out of it. This is an internal journey that will always be in my life because I can't change the fact that I'm a twin. I have had great experiences my being able to be like so few people can and have gotten in trouble and out of it thanks to this.  It's fun to be able to just change my day or the other because of having the same face as other person.

   Some mistakes that I want to clear. We do not have a special connection. We do not share the same thoughts. If she's hurt I don't feel it. I have no special powers and neither does she. We are simply two sisters that have the same blood and face. It's like you with your brother, only that we were born on the same day. Please if you see any twins walking around dont do this questions that I'm sure they're tired of answering the same one all over again. Thanks!

Chasing Liberty...

    Have you gone to places just wanting to get out of your routine? Just trying to fly away and discover places without any troubles or discrepancies. Well my friend you have come to the right place and time; imagine being the daughter of the most important man on earth.  This is the case of the movie Chasing Liberty  by Andy Cadiff in 2004.


   Anna Foster is the daughter the president of the United States of America. This means no ordinary  life, no parties, no hanging out without having someone following her all around. When she gets tired one night of this and can't take it no more, she does what any other teenage girl would've done...escape. When going on a concert in Prague she paints her hair and changes clothes with her friend, causing the agents to be confused. When they realize she's gone its to late because she's already with an stranger that's guiding her. The movie gets more interesting when its revealed that the stranger Ben Calder it's actually an agent that works for her father.  The president then creates a plot:  he's going to let Anna enjoy her liberty with Ben because this way he can monitor her without she realizing it. And thus our story begin!


  They start to fall madly in love while visiting all of Europe.  Their adventure is  by train, motorcycle,  gondolas and even bungee jumping! Ben and Anna start to let go of their personalities to try and enjoy each other and the cultures they see. Their external journeys is what makes them change and start to comprehend that things in life can be fun and easygoing. Anna starts to be more adventurous and daring while Ben is less worried, focusing more in what life can offer.  At the end of the movie both have gone trough some internal journeys that changed them forever.

   This movie instantly became one of my favorites when I saw it. I felt so identified with Anna because many times I hide in my shell and it's so difficult for me to get out. But as I started to analyze I noticed that if one gets out then more people can know you and then you slowly start to confide in others. Also she didn't care what other thought at the end and that was my motivation to do the things that I love without being afraid of the outcome. The movie inspired me to let go of my fears and try new things because we only have one life and the opportunities maybe come only once.

   If you haven't seen the movie, what are you waiting for? It's a really well done movie that's going to move you and even inspire you. I recommend it and also say that if you haven't gotten your adventure yet, then get out and start to explore!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The conference, success or what?

     When the teacher said that some students will be picked to present in front of the classroom our papers I thought: "Please don't be me, please don't be me". It wasn't because I was afraid, on the contrary because I was so overwhelmed that I believed I will do it bad. But I'm glad she didn't chose me because the ones who did it, made a perfect job.

    As she started to call out the names of the students that had to present I wasn't surprised. Those who were chosen always spoke on class and had the habit of speaking clearly. When I was reunited with some of them to read out loud their papers I started to feel that they were perfect for the role. They had a clear way of speaking and even their words came to me. 

   When I arrived at the auditorium I felt as if I was in the wrong place. There was nobody outside and inside the auditory there was only three tables one beside another with the students reading. I thought  that in the place I was to be, there was going to be a stage present. Also there was food outside which made me believe that it was definitely a party. As I was about to leave, some of my classmates arrived and then I looked through the door and saw the professor.

   Some of the students started to read outside to practice and I started to get more nervous than they were. When they started to read out loud their papers I felt as if I was in other part. They spoke really well in English and made clear all of their points, none of them had any flaws.  All of them were dressed so elegantly that I felt out of place. They behaved so calmly and professional that I felt proud of them. What made me most impacted was the fact that although the auditory was full with people from other classes they could perform without any problems.

    The activity was a really great success  The students impressed the others and I have to say that I have never attended anything like it before. If I was in their positions I think that I would've done badly without any doubt. I felt really glad to be present and hear their words.

The art of blogging...

    As the generations grow, so does the technology and the methods they use. My grandmother was used to the radio and now we have internet. My mother used the desktop computer and now we have  laptops. My mother used the radio and now we have I pods and. In the future generations I imagine that I'll say to my grand kids, what is that artifact? But nevertheless, we use the technology as a way to improve our communication and one of these includes the blog.

    When the teacher announced that we had to develop a blog I thought: "Okay, another one". For my high school class I had to develop another one and it was really fun but weird in some way. I had to write more that 30 posts and it was difficult for me at first but then I got the hang of it. As I started to create my blog for the Journey in Literature class I noticed that it was actually more easy.

   First of all there weren't much specifications and it was more easy to navigate through the settings and display. What made me love most this art was that I could put any background that I wanted without having to worry about any decoration at all. When the teacher said in class: "Some of you have done a great job, one or two included pictures and others even put an application of YouTube".  I knew she had seen my blog and it made me happy because mine had all of the descriptions she referred to. This helped to get me more free in what I wrote.


   The blog is done so that people can expressed their ideas and thoughts without problems. This was what I did. After the first couple of blogs I decided that this was my way of expressing my thought without any restrictions and I did. My first posts are really formal but the others are really carefree and really show all of my thoughts. This has the most personal and fun side of me. The blog helped me to really know the difference between a traveler and a tourist because of the different topics I've written in it.  It was a very useful tool that more professors should use because it helped me to focus more on the class and develop my written skills. When people that I didn't knew told me that they loved my blog I felt really blessed and that's why I decided to create my own blog to free my mind.

   For those that still don't have a blog I have to say that it's a really great tool to just free your mind and meet people. You could affect the life of someone or simply get to know them and surprise yourself in what you could learn. Start now that afterwards you're going to regret not doing it before.